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한국정원디자인학회 제6권 제3호
2020년 12월 pISSN 2465-8146 / eISSN 2713-637X
논 문
1. 양광모․구본학pdf 다운받기
도시 내 녹지조성사업 평가지표 연구
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2. 주영선․한소영․박율진pdf 다운받기
반려식물이 도시에 거주하는 여성 독거노인의 정신건강에 미치는 영향
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전주 한옥마을 내 쌍샘우물 계획
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영국 19세기 빅토리아 시대의 공원녹지 재원 마련 정책 연구
5. 유주한pdf 다운받기
경주시 아파트단지 내 식재된 조경식물의 특성
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6. 박미옥pdf 다운받기
생활권 마을습지 분포 특성 연구
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7. 이경연․주이슬․이경미pdf 다운받기
도심 속 도로변 녹지공간에 대한 정원으로서의 대안적 접근
8. 강민지․김승주․진혜영․송수정․이주영pdf 다운받기
정원의 직접적 건강편익에 관한 최근 연구 동향
Journal of the Korean Institute of Garden Design
Volume 6 Number 3

December 2020 pISSN 2465-8146 / eISSN 2713-637X
1. Yang, Gwangmo․Koo, Bonhak
A Study on the Evaluation Indicators of Green Land Development Projects in Urban Area
- Focused on the Project to Create a Meditation Forest -
2. Ju, Young-sun․Han, So-young․Park, Yool-jin
Effects of Companion Plants on Mental Health of Elderly Women Living Alone in the City
3. Choi, Eun Yeong․Park, Yool-Jin
The Basic Design of the Design Method ‘The Pair of Wells’ in Jeonju Hanok Village
4. Nam, Jinvo
A Study on Policy Approaches to Income Generation for Parks and Green Spaces in the 19th Century, the Victorian Era, UK
5. You, Ju-Han
The Characteristics of Landscape Plants Planted in Apartment Complex of Gyeongju-si
- Focused on Hyeongok-myeon -
6. Park, Miok
A Study on the Distribution of Village Wetlands on Living Area in Boryeong-si, Chungnam
7. Lee, Kyoung-Youn․Joo, Yi-Seul․Lee, Kyung-Mee
An Alternative Approach to Street Green Spaces as a Street Garden in the Metropolitan City
8. Kang, Minji․Kim, Seungju․Jin, Hyeyoung․Song, Sujung․Lee, Juyoung
A Systematic Review of Current Research on the Health Benefits of Garden Environment
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